Symposium Objectives
As a global field, energy is not only a necessity for national strategies, but an important issue for vital needs and environmental sustainability. In this context, it is also valuable in terms of the sustainability of energy and the environment. Developed in this context, ISEMAS aims to be an international platform created to examine, research and develop solutions to the manageability of energy with its social orientations and aspects that improve environmental sustainability.
Symposium Format
The format of the ISEMAS will be arranged with the following major elements as general papers presented in oral and poster sessions, keynote papers by invited speakers, and specialized sessions on special topics. There will also be social events and pre- and post-symposium tours. High quality papers of archival value will be considered in extended form for publication in various reputable international journals.
Symposium Topics
Energy efficiency has a key role due to the social awareness that occurs in all sectoral components together with the global climate change. The manageability of energy is a multidimensional theme and is related to many variables along with scientific criteria. ISEMAS basically aimed to deal with all aspects of the manageability of energy, which has a multi-dimensional discipline process, and to examine the impact of sustainability for energy management processes. In this context, it aimed to bring together sectoral, scientific and demand-related elements in the field of energy.
The Symposium welcomes a large number of topics as follows (in alphabetic order), but not limited to:
- Energy, Water and Climate
- Sustainable Buildings and Cities
- Energy Storage
- Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings
- Renewable Technologies
- Renewable Materials and Chemistry
- Electrochemical Energy Conversion Systems
- Biofuel and Alternative Fuel
- Distributed Energy Systems
- Sustainability, Society, and Education
- Ocean and Hydropower Technologies
- Geothermal Energy
- Emerging and Hybrid Technologies
- Sustainable energy management
- Renewable energy management
- Water, waste and sustainable energy management
- Energy, efficiency and sustainable development
- Energy engineering and sustainability
- Renewable energy and sustainable energy management
- Energy management, planning, implementation and control
- Methods and techniques for implementation of sustainable energy management
- Energy Technologies and management
- Sustainable energy development and monitoring
- Energy efficiency and control management
- Energy sources and technologies
- Energy innovation for the development of new energy sources
- Modeling and simulation of energy systems
- Energy markets and demand response
- Energy information management
- Energy and environment
- Energy policy and regulations
- Energy economics
- Exergy management
- Exergy efficiency
- Entropy management