Invıted Speaker

Syamimi Saadon
Aerodynamic, Heat Transfer and Propulsion Lab,
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Presentation Title: Heat Recovery – Utilize All the Available Energy
Today, global industry consumes a vast amount of energy. The biggest challenge is that as much as half of
it is wasted due to the inefficient and complicated recovery of low-grade energy. Heat in the form of
vapor, hot water, or hot air is a result of almost any production cycle, but it does not have to go to waste.
With smarter systems, it can be recovered and reused for other purposes, contributing to the reduction
of carbon emissions and to significant cost savings for both producers and end users. Organic Rankine
Cycle (ORC) and Stirling engine technologies offer some of the most efficient recovery of heat across a
range of industrial applications, including gas turbine power plant, combined heat and power system and
solar PV collector.
Syamimi received her Master Degree (Diplome d’Ingenieur) in Energy Engineering and Propulsion from
National Institute of Applied Sciences, Rouen, France (INSA Rouen) and her PhD in Energy and Thermal
from National Institute of Applied Sciences, Lyon, France (INSA Lyon). She joined Universiti Putra
Malaysia in 2015 as Senior Lecturer. During her more than 6 years experience in research, she has done
broad research in the energy field, particularly regarding Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Stirling Engine and
Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T). She has received several national grants and
international grants as a leader and team member for her research and published in several top Q1
journals as main-author including Renewable Energy and Energy. As main supervisor, she has several
post-graduates and undergraduates students under her supervision and some of them had successfully
graduated. She has also won several national awards for her contribution in this field, notably, PERINTIS
Publication Award 2021, Silver Award for Student’s Final Year Project 2020, Silver and Bronze Award for
Global I-Lead STEM Camp in 2018 and 2019 and other publication awards. She is also being recognized
for her expertise in this field where she has been chosen as reviewer for several Q1 journals, including
Energy, Renewable Energy and International Journal of Energy Research. She also holds postes as
committee member in several professional societies.
Mail: [email protected]