Invıted Speaker
Zoran Morvaj
International Project Manager
Climate Mitigation Policies Development
Implementation Expert
Presentation Title:
Dr. Zoran Morvaj is a senior expert who possesses a combination of high management skills with a wide-ranging background and working experience of more than 25 years in energy policy, energy efficiency (EE), renewable energy (RE) and energy sector development. He has successfully managed more than 20 large-scale energy projects with multi-national teams of experts. His area of specific technical expertise is Energy and environmental management in buildings and industry, Net Zero Energy Buildings, smart cities, etc. He was supporting EU energy and environment acquis transposition in a number of Energy Community countries. He has significant experience in designing and developing financing schemes and financing mechanisms, including EE funds and ESCOs, for the energy sector. Recently, he was Team Leader of an EU project in Turkey concerning the development of more than 160 bankable EE and RE projects, providing training for 800 people and promoting EU ‘s EE and RE policies, technologies and solutions. He has published numerous professional and scientific papers, several books
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